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Hype Video: Mercedes Benz AMG Vision Gran Turismo Visits Jay Leno’s Garage


If the car culture was a monarchy then Jay Leno could easily be the king.  Seriously this guy knows just about everyone there is to know and they all know him.  That’s why Jay often gets to play with cars that most people may never even see in person.  In his latest play date, Mercedes Benz brings their stunning AMG Vision Gran Turismo car to Jay’s garage.  Jay also talks a little about how Polyphony Digital (the team behind Gran Turismo 6) virtually re-created his custom RWD twin-turbo 1966 Oldsmobile Toronado as a playable car in the game.  The coolest part comes at the very end of the video though, so scroll down and watch!


So did you watch?…Isn’t it crazy?! The AMG Vision Gran Turismo is one big RC car!!

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