
Hype: GT Channel Launches Kickstarter To Help Them Distribute Latest Hot Version International Episodes In English


Some of you kids may not remember this but back in my day before things like YouTube, Vimeo, or Blu Rays, we had to get all of our automotive video content on DVDs or even VHS tapes!  Yes tapes! Big plastic things with magnetic ribbon inside.  They were called “video magazines” and among the most popular of those was a series called Hot Version from Japan.  Starring Keiichi “Drift King” Tsuchiya, Manabu “Max” Orido, and Nobuteru “N.O.B.” Taniguchi,  Hot Version was all about testing the best sports cars and hot hatches Japan had to offer and that included the latest project cars from Japan’s best tuner shops.  They would even take several cars from different tuners and race them against each other in epic battles.

As the media landscape changed, it became more and more difficult to get the latest issues of Hot Version and eventually the only way to watch the latest episodes was to try to find them somewhere online but even then they typically didn’t have English subtitles.  The guys at GT Channel are looking to change all that by launching a Kickstarter campaign to help them localize the latest issues of Hot Version for the American market.  They have already reached their initial goal of $5,000 but that will only cover about one issue.  For each $5,000 they raise they can localize another issue of Hot Version for American audiences.

If you are a fan of Hot Version and want to help make this happen then head over to the Kickstarter page by clicking the source link below  (or the red text in the body of this post) and become a backer.  There are some pretty nice perks like shirts, keychains, stickers, and for a $10 pledge you get your name in the credits!  Not bad huh?  For the whole story straight from the source watch the video below.  Also for the sake of full disclosure, the MotorworldHype YouTube channel is a part of the GT Channel YouTube network.

[Source: GT Channel Hot Version Kickstarter Page]

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