Wheel Wednesday: Super Advan RACING Ver. 2 AKA “The 3 Spoke”
This week’s Wheel Wednesday is a throwback to my high school days. Back then wheel designs were a little more abstract sort to speak. Wheel companies had no problem playing with spoke designs and dimensions. Honestly, most of them looked like crap. However, one such odd ball wheel really took off and that was the Super Advan RACING Ver. 2 which was more commonly known as “the 3 spoke” wheel, because it had…3 spokes. Well, three split spokes to be precise. Anyhow it was a great wheel and only those who were really “fashion forward” in the scene rocked them. Two such people who stand out are former Super Street writer and current Clipper fan-boy Ricky Chu’s 240SX and N.O.B. Taniguchi’s famous D1 Grand Prix S15 Silvia.
They have always been notoriously hard to find and expensive. Even back when they were in full production it was rare to see them at a show and even more rare to see them on the street (wheel locks weren’t so great back then) so when they were spotted it was automatically an event! As far as I know this wheel has been discontinued but if one looks hard enough they might be able to find a set in good condition for sale.
I know that anyone willing to rock this set of shoes on a show car today would earn instant nostalgia points. That’s the kind of clout these bad boys have. As such, I salute you Advan 3 spoke!