
Indy Car (Rumor): Townsend Bell Going To KV Racing With Herbalife & Lotus?

At the last press day of the LA Auto Show I was floating around the Mazda Exhibit getting some last minute pictures when I noticed Townsend Bell taking a walk around the exhibit with a buddy.  As they were checking out the new Mazda5 I thought I saw the words “KV Racing” on Townsend’s show badge.  Could he be part of the three car effort that Lotus announced earlier that day?  I wasn’t sure if I really saw what I thought I did so I approached Mr. Bell as a fan (which isn’t a lie) and took a picture of him.  Thanks to the almighty “crop” feature in Photoshop I am able to confirm that he was attending the show under KV Racing’s association.  He was also wearing a “Herbalife Racing” shirt could they be a new sponsor for the KV Racing team?

So far I haven’t found any official statement to confirm my suspicions but I think it would be awesome to see T. Bell back in Indy Car and driving for a quality team like KV Racing.

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