January=Top Gear Month! New DVDs And Season 13 Coming to BBC America
Just heard down the pipeline that Season 13 of Top Gear will premiere on BBC America on January 25th. Which is awesome news since there wont be any real motorsports on TV for a while. By the way if you feel SOL because you don’t have cable then you’ll be happy to know that this season the day after each episode first broadcasts it will be available to download on iTunes! Finally no more dealing with that bit torrent crap!
If you’re going through some extreme stig withdrawl and still can’t wait until the 25th then hang tight for a few more days because both seasons 11 and 12 will be released on DVD on January 12th. In fact, if you are feeling lucky you can try to see if you can win both DVD sets at BBCAmerica.com/TopGearon the 12th as well. Or you can just pre-order the DVDs at BBC America’s online store. We’ll drop more info on all of this as we get it. In the meantime check out a short teaser of season 12 below.