SEMA 2009: Tjin Edition 2010 Chevy Camaro
Neil Tjin’s 2010 Chevy Camaro was easily among the top 5 overall best in the show. In fact General Motors gave this car the award for “best GM” on the show floor and that is saying A LOT because there were some top notch GM’s there. Neil’s style has really come along way from his S14 from way back when to now although some things remain the same in his creation, such as the pin striping and the use of 3-piece forged wheels (iForged on the Camaro). It also seems like he hasn’t gotten tired of the color green yet. I’d bet many people winced when he told them he was going to build a green Camaro but looking at the finished product I don’t think he could have chosen a better color. Nice work Mr. Tjin!
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