Movie Hype: Audi Launches Iron Man 3 x E-Tron Microsite. My Head Explodes As Result. (Video)

Leave it to Audi to give me an excuse to pour my Iron Man fanboy-ism all over this site!  All the other shell head fans out there who happen to be gearheads will be happy to know that Audi has just launched an Iron Man 3 microsite in cross promotion with their new e-tron A3 hatchback. 

The site has a few cool widgets that show off what the main characters of Iron Man 3 will be driving i.e. Tony Stark behind the wheel of an e-tron R8 (probably powered by an arc reactor?) and Pepper Potts on the wheel of the new A7 sport back.  There is also a ton of video, wallpapers, and other features that will launch later.

Go now! Go play with the site! Its awesome!  Just click the red text above!  Also in case you have lived on another planet for the last few months you can scroll down and watch the latest Iron Man 3 trailer below first. 


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